Supabase Password Reset for Chrome Extension: Missing access_token and refresh_token in URL? Here’s the Fix!
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Supabase Password Reset for Chrome Extension: Missing access_token and refresh_token in URL? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you struggling with the Supabase password reset feature in your Chrome extension, only to find that the URL is missing the crucial access_token and refresh_token? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting process and provide a step-by-step solution to get those tokens back where they belong.

The Mystery of the Missing Tokens

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this issue occurs in the first place. When a user requests a password reset in your Chrome extension, Supabase generates an password reset URL that contains the access_token and refresh_token. These tokens are essential for authorizing the password reset process. However, in some cases, these tokens might be missing from the URL, leaving you scratching your head.

Common Reasons for Missing Tokens

Here are a few common reasons why the access_token and refresh_token might be missing from the password reset URL:

  • Incorrect Supabase setup or configuration
  • Chrome extension permissions issues
  • Supabase API rate limiting
  • Expired or invalid tokens

Solving the Mystery: Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we’ve identified some common reasons for the missing tokens, let’s get to the solution. Follow these steps to retrieve the access_token and refresh_token in the password reset URL:

Step 1: Verify Supabase Setup and Configuration

Double-check your Supabase setup and configuration to ensure that everything is set up correctly. Make sure you have:

  • Created a Supabase instance with the correct URL and API key
  • Configured the Supabase SDK in your Chrome extension
  • Implemented the necessary authentication and authorization logic

If you’re unsure about any of these steps, refer to the Supabase documentation or seek help from the Supabase community.

Step 2: Check Chrome Extension Permissions

Verify that your Chrome extension has the necessary permissions to access the Supabase API. In the Chrome extension manifest file (`manifest.json`), ensure that you have the following permissions:

  "permissions": [

If you’re missing any of these permissions, add them to the manifest file and reload the extension.

Step 3: Handle Supabase API Rate Limiting

Supabase has API rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage. If you’re hitting these limits, it might cause issues with token generation. To handle rate limiting, consider:

  • Implementing exponential backoff retries
  • Using a token bucket algorithm
  • Optimizing your API requests to reduce the number of calls

Review the Supabase API documentation for more information on rate limiting and handling strategies.

Step 4: Obtain Fresh Tokens

Expired or invalid tokens can cause issues with the password reset process. To obtain fresh tokens, follow these steps:

  1. Log out of the Supabase instance in your Chrome extension
  2. Clear the local storage of the extension (if applicable)
  3. Re-authenticate with Supabase using the correct credentials
  4. Obtain new tokens using the Supabase SDK or API

Make sure to store the new tokens securely in your Chrome extension’s local storage or a secure token store.

Step 5: Regenerate the Password Reset URL

Now that you have fresh tokens, regenerate the password reset URL using the correct access_token and refresh_token. The URL should resemble the following format: password-reset?access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]&refresh_token=[REFRESH_TOKEN]

Replace [ACCESS_TOKEN] and [REFRESH_TOKEN] with the actual token values obtained in Step 4.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues with the password reset URL, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Verify that the tokens are being stored and retrieved correctly in your Chrome extension
  • Check the Supabase API logs for any errors or issues
  • Test the password reset URL using a tool like Postman or cURL
  • Verify that the user has the necessary permissions and access to perform the password reset


Solving the mystery of the missing access_token and refresh_token in the Supabase password reset URL requires a methodical approach. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to retrieve the necessary tokens and provide a smooth password reset experience for your users. Remember to stay vigilant and monitor your Supabase setup, Chrome extension permissions, and API usage to prevent similar issues in the future.

Troubleshooting Step Solution
Verify Supabase setup and configuration Review Supabase documentation and implementation
Check Chrome extension permissions Add necessary permissions to manifest file
Handle Supabase API rate limiting Implement exponential backoff retries or token bucket algorithm
Obtain fresh tokens Log out, clear local storage, and re-authenticate with Supabase
Regenerate password reset URL Use correct access_token and refresh_token in URL

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue of missing tokens in the Supabase password reset URL for your Chrome extension. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Supabase community or seek help from a qualified developer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you stuck with Supabase password reset for Chrome extension and can’t figure out why access_token and refresh_token are missing in the URL? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the typical flow for password reset in Supabase?

The typical flow for password reset in Supabase involves sending a password reset request to the Supabase auth endpoint, which then sends a password reset email to the user. The user clicks on the link in the email, which redirects them to a password reset page where they can enter their new password. After successful password reset, the user is redirected back to the application with an access token and refresh token in the URL.

Why are access_token and refresh_token missing in the URL?

The most common reason for access_token and refresh_token missing in the URL is that the redirect URI in the Supabase configuration is not set correctly. Make sure that the redirect URI in the Supabase configuration matches the redirect URI in the Chrome extension configuration.

How do I set the redirect URI in Supabase configuration?

To set the redirect URI in Supabase configuration, go to the Supabase dashboard, click on the “Settings” icon, and then click on “Authentication” from the dropdown menu. In the “Authentication” page, click on the “Providers” tab, and then click on the “Edit” button next to the provider you want to configure. In the “Edit provider” page, enter the correct redirect URI in the “Redirect URI” field.

What if I’m still having issues with access_token and refresh_token not being generated?

If you’re still having issues with access_token and refresh_token not being generated, try checking the Supabase authentication logs to see if there are any errors or warnings that can help you identify the issue. You can also try testing the password reset flow using a tool like Postman or cURL to see if the issue is specific to the Chrome extension.

Is there a way to debug the password reset flow in the Chrome extension?

Yes, you can debug the password reset flow in the Chrome extension by enabling debug logging in the extension. This will allow you to see the requests and responses being sent and received by the extension, which can help you identify the issue. You can also use the Chrome DevTools to inspect the requests and responses and see if there are any errors or warnings that can help you identify the issue.