cimport: The Magic of Importing C Modules into Cython
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cimport: The Magic of Importing C Modules into Cython

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Cython is an amazing tool that allows you to write Python code that can be compiled to C, giving you the speed and performance of C with the ease of use of Python. But what if you want to import existing C libraries into your Cython code? That’s where `cimport` comes in – a powerful keyword that lets you wrap C libraries and use them seamlessly in your Cython code.

Why Do I Need to Wrap C Libraries?

So, why can’t you just use the C library directly in your Cython code? Well, the thing is, Cython is a superset of the Python language, which means it’s designed to work with Python objects and data structures. C libraries, on the other hand, are written in C and use C data structures and functions. To use a C library in Cython, you need to wrap it in a way that allows Cython to understand the C code and convert it into something that can be used with Python objects.

This is where `cimport` comes in – it allows you to import C libraries and use them as if they were native Cython modules. But before we dive into the details of `cimport`, let’s take a step back and understand how Cython works with C code.

How Cython Works with C Code

Cython is a compiler that takes your Cython code and converts it into C code, which is then compiled into a Python extension module. This means that Cython code can be used just like any other Python module. But when you want to use a C library, you need to tell Cython how to interface with that library.

This is done using `cdef extern` blocks, which declare the C functions and variables that you want to use in your Cython code. For example, if you have a C library called `mylib` with a function `add_numbers`, you would declare it in your Cython code like this:

cdef extern from "mylib.h":
    int add_numbers(int, int)

This tells Cython that there’s a C function called `add_numbers` in the `mylib.h` header file that takes two `int` arguments and returns an `int` value. Cython can then use this function in your Cython code, but it’s still a C function and needs to be called using the C calling convention.

That’s where `cimport` comes in – it allows you to wrap the C library in a way that makes it look like a Cython module, so you can use it just like any other Cython code.

Using cimport to Wrap C Libraries

So, how do you use `cimport` to wrap a C library? Let’s take the example of the `mylib` library we declared earlier. To wrap this library using `cimport`, you would create a new Cython file (let’s call it `mylib.pyx`) that imports the C library and declares the functions and variables that you want to expose to Cython.

cimport cython

cdef extern from "mylib.h":
    int add_numbers(int, int)

cpdef int py_add_numbers(int a, int b):
    return add_numbers(a, b)

This code imports the `mylib` C library and declares the `add_numbers` function. The `cpdef` keyword is used to declare a Cython function that wraps the C function, so it can be called from Python.

Once you’ve written the Cython code, you need to create a `` file that tells Cython how to build the module:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

    ext_modules = cythonize("mylib.pyx")

This tells Cython to build the `mylib` module from the `mylib.pyx` file. When you run `python build_ext –inplace`, Cython will compile the `mylib.pyx` file into a C file, and then compile the C file into a Python extension module.

Now, you can use the `mylib` module in your Python code like this:

import mylib

result = mylib.py_add_numbers(2, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 5

As you can see, `cimport` makes it easy to wrap C libraries and use them in your Cython code. But that’s not all – `cimport` also allows you to declare C structs and unions, and even use C macros and constants.

Declaring C Structs and Unions

In C, structs and unions are used to group related variables together. To declare a C struct in Cython, you use the `cdef struct` keyword:

cdef struct MyStruct:
    int x
    int y

This declares a C struct called `MyStruct` with two `int` fields, `x` and `y`. You can then use this struct in your Cython code like this:

cdef MyStruct my_struct
my_struct.x = 10
my_struct.y = 20

Similarly, you can declare C unions using the `cdef union` keyword:

cdef union MyUnion:
    int i
    float f

This declares a C union called `MyUnion` with two fields, `i` and `f`, which are an `int` and a `float` respectively.

Using C Macros and Constants

In C, macros and constants are used to define values that can be used throughout your code. To declare a C macro or constant in Cython, you use the `cdef macro` or `cdef const` keywords:

cdef macro PI = 3.14
cdef const MAX_VALUE = 100

This declares a C macro called `PI` with a value of 3.14, and a C constant called `MAX_VALUE` with a value of 100. You can then use these in your Cython code like this:

cdef float area = PI * radius * radius
if value > MAX_VALUE:
    print("Value is too large!")

As you can see, `cimport` provides a powerful way to wrap C libraries and use them in your Cython code. By declaring C functions, structs, unions, macros, and constants, you can use C code in a way that’s seamless and efficient.

Best Practices for Using cimport

So, what are some best practices for using `cimport` to wrap C libraries? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your Cython code organized – use separate files for each C library, and keep your `cimport` declarations at the top of the file.

  • Use meaningful names for your Cython functions and variables – this makes it easier to understand what the code is doing.

  • Document your Cython code – use docstrings to explain what each function and variable does.

  • Test your Cython code thoroughly – use nose or pytest to write unit tests that cover all the functionality of your C library.

  • Optimize your Cython code – use the Cython compiler directives to optimize performance-critical sections of code.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Cython code is efficient, readable, and maintainable.


In this article, we’ve seen how `cimport` can be used to wrap C libraries and use them in Cython code. By declaring C functions, structs, unions, macros, and constants, you can use C code in a way that’s seamless and efficient. Whether you’re working with numerical libraries, graphics libraries, or anything else, `cimport` provides a powerful way to tap into the power of C libraries from the comfort of your Cython code.

So what are you waiting for? Start wrapping those C libraries today and unlock the full power of Cython!

cimport Keyword used to import C libraries into Cython code
cdef Keyword used to declare C functions, structs, unions, macros, and constants
cpdef Keyword used to declare Cython functions that wrap C functions
cythonize Function used to compile Cython code into a Python extension module

Hope this article

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about using cimport to wrap C libraries with Cython? We’ve got answers!

What is cimport and how does it help with wrapping C libraries?

cimport is a special import statement in Cython that allows you to import C libraries and use them directly in your Cython code. It’s a powerful tool for wrapping C libraries, making it easy to call C functions and access C structs and variables from your Cython code.

How do I use cimport to wrap a C library?

To use cimport to wrap a C library, you need to create a Cython .pxd file that defines the C library’s functions and variables. Then, in your Cython .pyx file, you can use the cimport statement to import the C library and use its functions and variables.

What are the benefits of using cimport to wrap C libraries?

Using cimport to wrap C libraries provides several benefits, including improved performance, since you can call C functions directly, and better integration with your Cython code. Additionally, cimport allows you to use C libraries that wouldn’t be accessible from Python otherwise.

Can I use cimport to wrap C++ libraries?

While cimport is primarily designed for wrapping C libraries, you can also use it to wrap C++ libraries with some additional effort. You’ll need to use extern “C” blocks to ensure compatibility with C, and you may need to create a C-compatible wrapper around your C++ library.

Are there any best practices for using cimport to wrap C libraries?

Yes! When using cimport to wrap C libraries, it’s essential to keep your Cython code organized, use clear and descriptive names, and document your code thoroughly. Additionally, be mindful of memory management and error handling when working with C libraries.