Why Does the Psutil CPU Tracker Not Work in Google Cloud Run?
Image by Eleese - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does the Psutil CPU Tracker Not Work in Google Cloud Run?

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Are you trying to monitor your CPU usage in Google Cloud Run using the psutil library, but it’s not working as expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this issue and provide you with a comprehensive guide to get your CPU tracking up and running.

The Magic of Psutil

Psutil is a powerful Python library that provides an interface to access system details and process utilities. It’s widely used for system monitoring, profiling, and debugging. The psutil CPU tracker is a popular tool for tracking CPU usage, which is essential for optimizing resource allocation and performance in cloud environments.

What’s So Special About Google Cloud Run?

Google Cloud Run is a fully managed platform that enables you to containerize stateless web applications and API services. It’s a serverless environment, which means you don’t have to worry about provisioning or managing servers. Cloud Run provides a scalable and secure way to deploy applications, but it also comes with some limitations.

The Problem: Psutil CPU Tracker Fails in Cloud Run

When you try to use the psutil CPU tracker in a Cloud Run environment, it fails to report accurate CPU usage data. This is because Cloud Run containers are running in a sandboxed environment, which restricts access to system resources and metrics.

The root cause of the issue lies in the fact that Cloud Run containers are not running on physical machines, but rather on a virtualized environment. This means that the psutil library can’t access the underlying system metrics, resulting in inaccurate or missing data.

Why Psutil Fails in Cloud Run

  • No direct access to system metrics: Cloud Run containers are isolated from the underlying system, making it impossible for psutil to collect accurate CPU usage data.
  • Virtualized environment: Cloud Run uses a virtualized environment, which abstracts the underlying system resources, making it difficult for psutil to access the necessary metrics.
  • Security restrictions: Cloud Run has strict security policies in place, which restrict access to system resources and metrics for security and compliance reasons.

Solutions: Workarounds and Alternatives

Don’t worry! There are workarounds and alternatives to get your CPU tracking working in Cloud Run.

1. Use Cloud Run’s Built-in Metrics

Cloud Run provides a built-in metrics system that allows you to track CPU usage, memory usage, and other performance metrics. You can use the Cloud Run API or the Google Cloud Console to access these metrics.

from google.cloud import monitoring_v3

client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()

project_name = "projects/your-project-id"
metric_type = "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage"

response = client.list_time_series(
    request={"name": project_name, "filter": f"metric.type='{metric_type}'"}

2. Utilize Container-Level Metrics

You can use container-level metrics, such as the `cgroups` subsystem, to track CPU usage. This approach requires some Linux knowledge and configuration.

import os

cpu_usage = os.popen("cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/docker/${CONTAINER_ID}/cpuacct.usage").read()

3. Leverage Third-Party Monitoring Tools

There are several third-party monitoring tools available that provide CPU tracking capabilities, such as Prometheus, New Relic, or Datadog. These tools often have integrations with Cloud Run and can provide more detailed insights into your application’s performance.

Tool Description
Prometheus Open-source monitoring system that provides metrics and alerting capabilities.
New Relic Commercial APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tool that provides detailed performance insights.
Datadog Commercial monitoring and analytics platform that provides real-time visibility into application performance.


In conclusion, the psutil CPU tracker doesn’t work in Google Cloud Run due to the sandboxed environment and security restrictions. However, there are workarounds and alternatives available to track CPU usage in Cloud Run. By using Cloud Run’s built-in metrics, container-level metrics, or third-party monitoring tools, you can still get accurate insights into your application’s performance.

Remember to choose the solution that best fits your use case and requirements. Happy monitoring!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why does the psutil CPU tracker not work in Google Cloud Run?” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why the psutil CPU tracker doesn’t work in Google Cloud Run.

What is psutil, and why does it matter in Google Cloud Run?

Psutil is a Python library that provides access to system details and process utilities. It’s commonly used to track CPU usage, memory, and other system metrics. In Google Cloud Run, psutil is used to monitor the CPU usage of an application, but it doesn’t work as expected. That’s what we’re here to explore!

Is Google Cloud Run a culprit in psutil’s malfunction?

Not entirely! Google Cloud Run uses a containerized environment, which limits access to system metrics. Psutil relies on the host system to gather CPU usage data, but in Cloud Run, the container is isolated from the host. This isolation prevents psutil from getting the CPU usage data, leading to its malfunction.

Can I use alternative libraries to track CPU usage in Cloud Run?

Yes, you can! Google Cloud Run provides an alternative way to track CPU usage through the ` CloudMonitoring` API. You can use this API to collect CPU usage data and export it to Stackdriver Monitoring or other monitoring tools. There are also other libraries like `cgroups` or `docker` that can help you track CPU usage in Cloud Run.

Why does psutil work on my local machine but not in Cloud Run?

That’s a great question! On your local machine, psutil has direct access to the host system’s metrics, which allows it to collect CPU usage data accurately. In Cloud Run, the containerized environment restricts access to system metrics, making it difficult for psutil to gather accurate data. This difference in environment is the main reason why psutil works on your local machine but not in Cloud Run.

Can I use psutil in other cloud platforms like AWS or Azure?

The answer is, it depends! Psutil might work in other cloud platforms that provide direct access to system metrics, but it’s not guaranteed. For example, AWS Lambda and Azure Functions use containerized environments similar to Google Cloud Run, which could limit psutil’s functionality. Always check the documentation and test psutil in your specific cloud environment to ensure it works as expected.

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