Unlocking the Secret to Sharing Py_Binary Runfiles with C Toolchain in Bazel: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Eleese - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret to Sharing Py_Binary Runfiles with C Toolchain in Bazel: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to provide your py_binary’s runfiles to a C toolchain in Bazel? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of cryptic error messages and confusing documentation? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of sharing py_binary runfiles with a C toolchain in Bazel, step by step.

What are Py_Binary Runfiles, Anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a quick detour to understand what py_binary runfiles are. In Bazel, a py_binary rule is used to build a Python executable from a set of source files. When you build a py_binary, Bazel generates a set of files required for the executable to run, known as runfiles. These runfiles can include data files, configuration files, and even other executables.

Now, imagine you’re working on a project that requires integrating a C toolchain with your py_binary. To make this work, you need to provide the runfiles generated by Bazel to the C toolchain. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as straightforward as it seems, but don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you.

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

The first step in solving any problem is to understand the problem itself. In this case, the issue arises because py_binary rules in Bazel don’t automatically provide runfiles to C toolchains. This is because Bazel assumes that the py_binary is a self-contained executable that doesn’t rely on external dependencies.

To overcome this limitation, we need to explicitly tell Bazel to provide the runfiles to the C toolchain. But before we do that, let’s take a closer look at the BUILD file and the py_binary rule.

The Py_Binary Rule

    name = "my_py_binary",
    srcs = ["my_python_file.py"],
    main = "my_python_file.py",
    deps = ["@my_deps//my_deps"],

In the above example, we have a py_binary rule named “my_py_binary” that builds an executable from a single Python file, “my_python_file.py”. The `deps` attribute specifies a dependency on a separate Bazel target, “@my_deps//my_deps”. This dependency provides additional runfiles required by the executable.

Step 2: Creating a Cc_Library Rule

To provide the runfiles to the C toolchain, we need to create a Cc_Library rule that depends on the py_binary. A Cc_Library rule is used to build a C or C++ library in Bazel.

    name = "my_cc_library",
    srcs = ["my_c_file.c"],
    deps = [":my_py_binary"],

In this example, we’ve created a Cc_Library rule named “my_cc_library” that depends on the py_binary “my_py_binary”. We’ll use this Cc_Library rule to integrate the py_binary runfiles with the C toolchain.

Step 3: Providing Runfiles to the C Toolchain

Now that we have the Cc_Library rule in place, we need to tell Bazel to provide the py_binary runfiles to the C toolchain. We can do this by adding a `data` attribute to the Cc_Library rule.

    name = "my_cc_library",
    srcs = ["my_c_file.c"],
    deps = [":my_py_binary"],
    data = [":my_py_binary"],

The `data` attribute specifies a list of files that are required by the C toolchain. By adding the py_binary target to the `data` attribute, we’re telling Bazel to provide the runfiles generated by the py_binary to the C toolchain.

Step 4: Verifying the Runfiles

After making the changes, it’s essential to verify that the runfiles are indeed being provided to the C toolchain. We can do this by running the following command:


This command will generate the executable for the Cc_Library rule and provide the py_binary runfiles to the C toolchain. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the runfiles being generated and provided to the C toolchain.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

While the steps outlined above should help you share py_binary runfiles with a C toolchain in Bazel, there are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Forgetting to add the `data` attribute to the Cc_Library rule.

    This is a common mistake that can lead to the C toolchain not receiving the required runfiles. Make sure to add the `data` attribute to the Cc_Library rule to avoid this issue.

  • Failing to specify the correct dependencies.

    Ensure that the Cc_Library rule depends on the correct py_binary target, and that the py_binary target is correctly defined.

  • Ignoring the importance of the `main` attribute.

    The `main` attribute in the py_binary rule specifies the entry point of the executable. Make sure to specify the correct entry point to avoid issues with the runfiles.


Providing py_binary runfiles to a C toolchain in Bazel may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be achieved with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to share py_binary runfiles with your C toolchain and unlock the full potential of your project.

Remember to keep an eye out for common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips to ensure a smooth integration process. With practice and patience, you’ll become a pro at sharing py_binary runfiles with C toolchains in Bazel.

Bonus: Advanced Techniques for Runfile Management

For those who want to take their runfile management skills to the next level, here are some advanced techniques to consider:

  1. Using `select` expressions to conditionally provide runfiles.

    In complex projects, you may need to provide runfiles based on specific conditions. `Select` expressions allow you to specify conditional dependencies based on platform, configuration, or other factors.

  2. Creating a `runfile` group to manage multiple runfiles.

    In cases where multiple runfiles need to be provided to the C toolchain, you can create a `runfile` group to manage them. This allows you to specify multiple runfiles in a single attribute.

  3. Using `attrs` to customize runfile behavior.

    Bazel provides a range of attributes (attrs) that can be used to customize runfile behavior. For example, the `default_runfiles` attr allows you to specify a set of default runfiles that are provided to the C toolchain.

Technique Description
Select expressions Conditionally provide runfiles based on platform, configuration, or other factors
Runfile groups Manage multiple runfiles in a single attribute
Attrs Customize runfile behavior using Bazel attributes

By mastering these advanced techniques, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex runfile management challenges in Bazel.

Frequently Asked Question

When working with Bazel, providing runfiles to a C toolchain can be a bit tricky. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this process:

What are runfiles, and why do I need them for my C toolchain?

Runfiles are a collection of files that a Bazel target depends on to run correctly. In the case of a C toolchain, runfiles might include dynamic libraries, configuration files, or other resources that the toolchain needs to function properly. Without these runfiles, your C toolchain won’t work as expected, so it’s essential to provide them correctly.

How do I specify runfiles for my py_binary target in Bazel?

To specify runfiles for your py_binary target, you can use the runfiles attribute in your py_binary rule. For example: py_binary(name = 'my_tool', srcs = ['my_tool.py'], runfiles = ['data.txt', ':my_data']). This will include the files data.txt and the target my_data as runfiles for your my_tool py_binary.

Can I use a data attribute to provide runfiles to my C toolchain?

Yes, you can use the data attribute to provide runfiles to your C toolchain. The data attribute is similar to the runfiles attribute, but it’s used for dependencies that are not executables. For example: cc_toolchain(name = 'my_toolchain', ... , data = ['my_config.cfg']). This will include the file my_config.cfg as a data dependency for your C toolchain.

How do I ensure that my runfiles are correctly propagated to the C toolchain?

To ensure that your runfiles are correctly propagated to the C toolchain, you need to use the runfiles attribute or the data attribute in your cc_toolchain rule. You can also use the tool_files attribute to specify a set of files that should be included in the toolchain’s runfiles. For example: cc_toolchain(name = 'my_toolchain', ... , tool_files = ['@my_repo//my_tool:my_tool_runfiles']).

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when providing runfiles to a C toolchain in Bazel?

One common pitfall is forgetting to specify the runfiles attribute or data attribute in your cc_toolchain rule. Another mistake is not correctly propagating the runfiles from your py_binary target to your C toolchain. Additionally, be careful when using the data attribute, as it can lead to unnecessary dependencies being included in your build. Finally, make sure to test your build thoroughly to ensure that the runfiles are being correctly propagated and used by your C toolchain.

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